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quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2018
quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2018

10 Things Introverts Need in a Relationship

Por Daniel
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It's already difficult for introverts to find their niche in a world that predominantly values extroverted tendencies. As a result, introverts' needs don't get enough attention and aren't talked about as much. This includes the way that they function in the love department. Are you dating an introvert? Here are 10 things that we need in relationships for you to consider.

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Art + editing by chiistix:
Voiceover by lilyloo:

"Clear Waters"
Kevin MacLeod (
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5 frases que são homofóbicas e você não sabia

Por Daniel
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Nem todo mundo é o Bolsonaro, então nem sempre a gente sabe que tá sendo homofóbico e acaba soltando umas frases infelizes sem querer. Então vamos te mostrar 5 frases que são homofóbicas e você não sabia.

roteiro e montagem: Vítor diCastro
curadoria: Guilherme Melles
prod. executiva: Fernanda Flandolli
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