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segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2019
segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2019

8 Types of Love You Will Experience in this Lifetime

Por Daniel
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There are many types of love that you will experience in this lifetime. Canadian psychologist John Allen Lee, invented the Color Wheel Theory of Love (Bader, 2016). He believes that there are all kinds of love from: playful love (ludus), obsessive love (mania) all the way to erotic love (eros). There are eight types of love according to John Allen's wheel theory. Believe it or not, you may have already experienced one of these types! Comment below which ones you have experienced and which ones you want to experience again?

#psych2go #typesoflove #funseries

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Script Writer: Catherine Huang
Script Editor: Steven Wu
Narrator: Lily Hu
Animator: Rachel M.
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Also please consider watching our new channel trailer:

PSI's Adventure Series:

If you are curious about which type of love style you are, you can take the quiz here:

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Por Daniel
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Muitas pessoas acham desagradável conversar sobre sexo com crianças. Hoje, aqui na Casa do Saber, o psicólogo clínico Luis Hanns dá algumas ideias e sugestões para abordar o tema com os pequenos.

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The Four Love Types: Explorer, Builder, Director, And Negotiator

Por Daniel
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Dr. Helen Fisher, who is a research professor of anthropology, has studied human love for years. She's made groundbreaking discoveries about who people are as lovers and the love they seek as a result. There are four love types that she discovered: the explorer, builder, director, and negotiator. Explorers are dominant in dopamine. Builders are dominant in serotonin. Directors are dominant in testosterone. And negotiators are dominant in estrogen. Based on our chemical makeup, it also shows in our personality characteristics, habits, and lifestyle preferences.

Original Article:

Script: Nicholas Urbonas
Voice Over: Jim Monteforte
Animation: SergeanPuff-
BG Music: The Jazz Piano

Feedback Editor: Risha Maes
Project Manager: Erin Bogo
Producer: Psych2Go

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10 Signs You're an Old Soul

Por Daniel
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Some people even believe an old soul is a person whom has learned from past incarnations, or lives.

Article Referenced:
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Art + editing by chiistix:
Voiceover by lilyloo:

"Clear Waters"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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10 Signs of High Functioning Anxiety

Por Daniel
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Anxiety is a bodily natural response to stress. When you don't know what to expect, your anxiety can be triggered. For example, your first day of school, meeting someone, or giving a speech. The fear of feeling judged or not knowing what's going to happen can trigger feelings of intense anxiety. Some people describe signs and symptoms of anxiety as feelings of nervous or restlessness, sense of panic or doom, having increased heart rate, breathing heavily, sweating, trembling, and so on. The list can range. Personally, when I experience anxiety, I can't sleep the previous day. Perhaps, that's what you feel too?

#psych2go #highfunctioninganxiey #mentalhealthseries

This video is animated by a new animator of ours, also part of our design team.

Natasha Ho -

She's a new animator for our team and if you guys like her work, be sure to support this video by leaving a like or comment.

High functioning anxiety isn't actually considered a mental health diagnosis. Instead, it's a term many people can relate to when they have anxiety and can still carry out everyday tasks at a functional level. It could be the valedictorian in your class, your coworker who has an exceptionally polished resume, or it might even be you. It's no surprise that this has become widely relevant when roughly 40 million adults struggle with anxiety. When someone tells you they're fine or always has a smile plastered on their face, they might actually need your help.


Script Writer: Catherine Huang
Script Editor: Steven Wu
VO: Lily Hu
Animator: Natasha Ho
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Want to be a part of our awesome and amazing team?
Contact with your application for any of the following roles:
1) Animator
2) Script Writer
3) Story boarder
4) Editor
5) Voice Over

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The cost includes shipping and if you use psych2go's discount code: psych2go, you get another 10% off. The mascot is so cute and squishy.
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